人生从5到90岁的难题② The conundrum of life from 5 to 90 years old (Intermediate level)
人生从5到90岁的难题② The conundrum of life from 5 to 90 years old (Intermediate level)
16 novembre 2022
In this episode we will talk about 【The conundrum of life from 5 to 90 years old】, you will learn how to say 【Beijing drifters,extend,high blood pressure】 ect. The material helps you get used to different voice and accent. -------------------------------------------------- It is recommended that you study in the following ways: Step 1: Gist listening. Listen to get the main idea. (more times if necessary) Step 2: Read the text to find out words you didn't get, then look up the dictionary. Step 3: Listen and imitate as much as you can without looking at the text. Step 4: Write down what you hear if you want to practise writing. -------------------------------------------------- 大家好,我是Yuli。欢迎收听我的播客。 每个人多多少少都有一些烦恼,不同年龄的人烦恼的事情可能不太一样。这个采访是从5岁到90岁的人在聊他们人生的难题。今天我们来听听50岁到90岁的烦恼。 50岁:(回答:我什么时候可以退休啊?)那按照那个法定的年龄60岁退休嘛。女同志五十周岁(55岁:听说还要延长退休时间)。我家孩子在外面北漂好几年了,我想让她回来. 60岁:你就让孩子去发展去吧,发展得好就让他在那边混,混不好他自然就回来了。我呀,才60岁,就感觉身体啊跟不上了,以后70可咋办呢? 70岁:到70啊,你就到时候把你的孙子叫过来,这孩子也皮实了,你身体也就好了。难题就是我这个老伴儿呢,怕我这个高血压。菜的里头呢,又少油又少盐又少糖,不好吃。 80岁:难吃啊?难吃上我那吃去。我现在就血压高,就经常得上医院去跑,开药去。我就有一个老同志,我春节的时候去看他,住在医院里的,躺在床上相当可怜。八十多了,好几十(朋友)了。走到尽头了。 90岁:你现在呢就说也不要太难过,你也劝劝他到公园转一转。全是咱们老同志,一块儿聊聊大天。侃侃咱们过去,在一块,年轻的时候。在这方面自己想开点,也就舒畅了。我老伴儿三年前去世了。都这么大岁数了,总得要有一个人先走,但是我也很想念她。说到这儿吧。(5岁:老爷爷,您别难过。老奶奶只是睡着了,您以后碰见她,亲她一口她就醒了)你几岁?你的人生难题是什么呢?留言告诉我吧。我们下期见。 -------------------------------------------------- 法定 / fǎ dìng / statutory 女同志 / nǚ tóng zhì / female (comrade) 周岁 / zhōu suì / one full year of life 延长 / yán cháng / extend 北漂 / běi piāo / Beijing drifters 混 / hùn / get along 咋办 / zǎ bàn / how to do 皮实 / pí shí / sturdy 老伴儿 / lǎo bàn ér / old husband or wife 高血压 / gāo xuè yā / high blood pressure 老同志 / lǎo tóng zhì / old comrade 尽头 / jìn tóu / the end 劝 / quàn / advise,persuade 侃 / kǎn / talk 想开点 / xiǎng kāi diǎn / think positively 舒畅 / shū chàng / free from worry,comfortable
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