#26 直击韩国梨泰院踩踏事故
#26 直击韩国梨泰院踩踏事故
31 ottobre 2022
🎃Tonight is Halloween, so “trick or treat”! 🍬However, we are about to read some heartbreaking news from South Korea. This episode introduces vocabulary that is frequently used in news and social incidents. In addition, I introduce some self-defense techniques in this episode in Chinese, if the situation arises. Have a safe and happy Halloween! 🎃万圣夜到了,不给糖🍬就捣蛋,但是今天我们要看的新闻很令人难过,是南韩发生意外的新闻。在这一集节目当中,可以学习到跟社会案件、还有新闻常用的一些词,也会介绍你自救方法。祝你们万圣节快乐、平安。 [00:00] introduction [02:31] explanation [10:01] discussion & share Source : https://www.sohu.com/a/601102775_115362?scm=9010.8000.0.0.6634&spm=smpc.channel_114.block3_77_O0F7zf_1_fd.73.16671458793458JnxpW2_1524 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o4Q2NYU2DLY&t=506s
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