Successful Job Interview Tips and Tricks
Successful Job Interview Tips and Tricks
28 gennaio 2024
Successful Job Interview Tips and Tricks Imagine being trained by the one who is a trainer-language coach to top executives in global companies? Imagine learning from the one, who was able to interview global champions in certain trades? Imagine being able to 'pick my brain' and receive 'not talked about knowledge' (because my questions to them pull it out from them, AND I have the guts to ask them :) Imagine seeing how they think and based on that figure out your Job Interview Preparation strategy for success? Lastly, imagine having this attitude at work - to project your bosses thinking, to inject your bosses thinking into how you do your work, imagine this! Will you be promoted if done so? No doubt!!! This is what you get in my private 1-1 immersion coaching APPLICATION only meeting! In this podcast here are few things I cover to help you prepare better for a job interview: 1. Hard skills vs soft skills on a job intervnew 2. It's not about your competitiveness or competitive advantages 3. It is about your successes 4. It is about your results and your attitudes! 5. Next, how to influence HR people consciously and unconsciously? 6. How to know what they are looking for IF IT IS NOT JUB ABOUT A LIST OF JOB RESPONSIBILITIES? 7. How 'to make you and them click'? 8. Secret persuation tool! 9. Positive attitude 10. How will you feel if you are stretched 3 times? I also talk about it, don't skip this part! And so much more, plese set aside 10 minutes of your life and these 10 minutes can turn into massive successes both at work, in IELTS speaking performance and in life as a whole! If you felt I know something you might need, apply for my private 1-1 attention so I can be on your side, helping you to succeed in your life situation now! See you today!
Canale dei podcast
Job Interview Preparation | CEO Interview Strategies From Diverse Business Sectors!