One day my cousin, my niece, and I were going to a place riding a motorbike. I sat on the back seat while holding my toddler niece. My niece loved singing so she sang along the way, and I joined her. I sang to her the Aladdin's soundtrack A Whole New World and when I finished, my niece turned her head, she looked at me with her puppy eyes and said "sing again please! please!" with excitement like I was Princess Jasmine. All she did was asking me to sing again, but for me, it was a lovely moment. I could felt her genuineness, and I felt appreciated and loved.😂
31 gen 2022 16:20
Correzioni · 3
One day my cousin, my niece, and I were going to a place riding a motorbike. I sat on the back seat while holding my niece, who is (or was) a toddler. My niece started singing because she loved it and I joined her. I sang to her the song from Aladdin's soundtrack, A Whole New World, and when I finished, my niece turned her head, she looked at me with her puppy eyes and said "sing again please! please!" with excitement like I was Princess Jasmine. All she did was asking me to sing again, but for me, it was a lovely moment. I could feel her genuineness, and I felt appreciated and loved.😂
this is lovely!!
31 gennaio 2022
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