Yana Senko
Hi everyone Are there any mistakes in this job advertisement? Thanks We are recruiting an English Language Teacher to join our cohesive staff team. Applicants should be able to demonstrate the necessary skills and experience to teach across the age and ability range (children, teens and adults; Starter to Advanced levels) We provide: the opportunity to work as part of a dynamic and inspirational team the opportunity to be part of a truly rewarding and exciting experience a decent pay
3 set 2024 09:19
Risposte · 5
There are no serious errors here. But there some awkward / unnatural bits, including: * "to teach across the age and ability range" bakes the question "what age and ability range?" - obviously this is information you have provided in brackets next, but the way that sentence was worded with the definite article ("the") is as if the information has already been established. So I would reword using the indefinite article ("a") roughly as follows: "to teach across a range of ages and abilities (children, teens and adults; Starter to Advanced levels)" - this now sounds much smoother. * "our cohesive staff team" sounds odd because "staff" and "team" have a similar meaning so putting the two words together is a bit overkill. Consider changing it to simply "our cohesive team".
3 set 2024 09:58
Hi everyone Are there any mistakes in this job advertisement? Thanks We are currently recruiting an English Language Teacher to join our cohesive team. Successful applicants should be able to demonstrate necessary skills and have experience to teach diverse students with different knowledge and backgrounds (children, teens and adults; Starter to Advanced levels) We will provide: the opportunity to work as part of a dynamic and inspirational team and to take part in a truly rewarding experience competative earnings (PS. Good luck)
4 set 2024 17:30
It’s rather vague and wordy. We are /looking for/hiring/ an English language teacher. Applicants should demonstrate an ability to teach all ages (children, teens and adults) and levels A1 to C1. A minimum of two years experience is required. (Say something meaningful about the compensation offered. ‘Decent’ is meaningless and too informal.) Come join our friendly and cohesive team!
4 set 2024 14:40
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