Could you please make some example sentences with "motormouth"?
11 set 2024 00:40
Risposte · 8
Sure! Here are some example sentences using "motormouth": 1. Jake is such a motormouth; he talked non-stop for the entire meeting. 2. I couldn't get a word in during lunch because Sarah was being a total motormouth. 3. He's a motormouth, but at least he keeps the conversation lively. 4. You have to be patient with Karen; she's a bit of a motormouth when she's excited. 5. As soon as the interview started, the motormouth in him took over, and he barely let anyone else speak. It generally describes someone who talks a lot and very quickly!
11 set 2024 21:42
Never have I heard that word, but it explains itself. "Blabbermouth" is the term I would use. As one might suspect, it signifies one who blabbers. Should you be such a person ("motormouth" or whatever) it is not likely that anyone will inform you that you possess this quality, though it is possible they might avoid your presence.
11 set 2024 18:50
A person who talks quickly and continuously, often without considering what they are saying
11 set 2024 11:45
I could give you loads of sentences, but I don't want to sound like a motormouth.
11 set 2024 11:45
My Mother is such a motormouth, she can talk for hours!
11 set 2024 10:39
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