Jerry Dragon (茆子龍)
I think that I just figured out why I shall use "are" as the linking verb within the context where "you" is acting as subject! Since the pronoun "you" itself is plural form, it has to be attached with "are" instead of "is"! If I, however, have to emphasise the singular meaning in terms of 2nd person, I can use the pronoun "thou" as subject followed by "is" as linking verb, although this kind of expression is not that formal! Attached, please find the screenshot cut from the Wikipedia page of "Ye (pronoun)"!
6 ott 2023 03:43
Commenti · 4
"You" is both singular and plural in modern English. The chart you show refers to "early" modern English which is not spoken today. People do not commonly use "thou" today though it is still part of the language. It is still used for poetic expression. Religions still use it in prayers. However, you should not use it in conversation.
6 ottobre 2023