I have a question, it's from the tv show " Seinfeld" the question is regarding the expression used " she's sticking it to me" and then later " Elain used the expression " are you sticking it to me" what does this expression mean. Here's the context from YouTube, related to the expression used in the context. thank you.
17 set 2024 18:17
Risposte · 8
Listen to George's whole sentence, "She's sticking it to me that she makes more money than me." He thinks Elaine paid for his coffee to show off how much money she makes. To use a more formal expression, he though she was "flaunting her wealth."
17 set 2024 18:52
‘Stick it to someone’ means to deliberately hurt or embarrass someone, but usually with the idea that it’s justified, as revenge for example. It sounds old-fashioned. I neither use it nor hear it. (TV shows, of course, have to be interesting and therefore can’t have realistic dialogue!) A well-known example is: ‘Stick it to The Man’ (Urging the powerless to rise up against the powerful)
18 set 2024 05:56
^^^ ...he thought... ^^^
17 set 2024 18:52
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