Some people think that governments should ban dangerous sports, while others think people should have freedom to do any sports or activity. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. It is believed that the dangerous sport should be prohibited by law but otherwise people should have a chance to choose their hobby without restrictions. The idea to prevent particular dangerous situations by government initiatives could be helpful for youngsters because this one can save their lives. At the same time, according to the Human Rights Act everybody can pick up the activity that he wants. On the one hand, society desires to save lives due to special laws for banning dangerous sport activities. As a consequence, families could be more happy, because sometimes the dangerous sport can be a reason for injury or death which can have a big emotional impact for relatives, such as parents or infants. On the other hand, it could lead to the breaking of the Human Rights Act because it is so important to allow the freedom for hobby to everyone. As a result, people can have an opportunity to realize their potential to feel new emotions which can harmonize their life in the long run. For instance, statistically, many of the banking clerks participate in the racing because such activity helps them to balance their lives in an emotional state. In conclusion, there are many pros and cons regarding the possibility of banning dangerous sport’s activity as a part of life. In my opinion, society should follow the Human Rights Act and offer an opportunity to choose because it could be a chance for emotional explosion for everybody who would like to take a risk.
5 set 2024 17:36
Commenti · 1
Hey, let’s practice
5 set 2024 17:58