100 happy days. Day 6. Remember when Rachel woke up because of a song "The Mornings here". She was pure evil. You're not a morning person, told her friend. Neither am I, Joey. I don't like my husband's alarm in the morning. I wanna kill. But I really like good news from his doctor. And I'm happy that he went to the concert tonight. Just change the sound, please
22 mag 2015 22:49
Correzioni · 1

100 happy days. Day 6.

Remember when Rachel woke up because of a song "The Mornings here" (You may write either: <em>Rachel woke up to the song "The Mornings Here". </em>or: <em>Rachel woke up because the song "The Mornings here" was playing.</em>) She was pure evil. You're not a morning person, her friend told her friend. Neither am I, Joey. I don't like my husband's alarm in the morning. I wanna kill it. But I really like good news from his doctor. And I'm happy that he went to the concert tonight. Just change the sound, please

26 maggio 2015
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