Gareth Todd
Insegnante professionista
Anyone Indonesian here who wants to speak conversation with me and do reading exercises. I will correct your English and you correct my Bahasa Indonesian. Cheers!
16 nov 2021 05:20
Risposte · 7
Bahasa Indonesia, all the best finding a partner! :)
17 novembre 2021
Hello, I'm interested. I want to improve my English speaking and I will help you with Indonesian 😊
16 marzo 2022
I'm interested
1 marzo 2022
Hi, are you still interested in exchanging the languages?
4 dicembre 2021
If you need a teacher in the future, I would like to help 🙌
16 novembre 2021
Non hai ancora trovato le tue risposte?
Scrivi le tue domande e lascia che i madrelingua ti aiutino!