阿穆尔 (ā mù ěr)
How do you want to learn Chinese? We choose a topic before each lesson and then talk about it? Or can I teach you directly with textbooks?
4 set 2024 00:49
Risposte · 4
If you have an interest in teaching Chinese, maybe you could sign up to be an italki teacher. : )
4 set 2024 08:22
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阿穆尔 (ā mù ěr)
Competenze linguistiche
Cinese (mandarino), Cinese (cantonese), Cinese (hakka), Cinese (taiwanese), Inglese, Giapponese, Mongolo, Uiguro, Uzbeco
Lingua di apprendimento
Cinese (cantonese), Cinese (hakka), Cinese (taiwanese), Inglese, Giapponese, Mongolo, Uiguro, Uzbeco