what is the difference between "take a trip" and "make a trip". Oh,another question, I should say "what are the defference" or "what is the defference". thank you very much.
21 giu 2011 18:10
Risposte · 4
They are basically the same, but "make a trip" means that you have been involved in the planning, will pay some or all of the costs, etc. To "take a trip' could simply mean that you are going to join your friends in a car and go someplace. What IS the difference (never "ARE").
21 giugno 2011
"What is the difference" is the correct form. In answer to your question, they both mean the same thing but they have a slightly difference sense. To take a trip: implies pleasure/relaxation/leisure. To make a trip: implies effort/necessity/work. For example: I must make a trip to the shops to get some butter. I'm taking a trip to Paris to see a friend. Hope this helps, Take care, Josephine
21 giugno 2011
make a trip is like to plan a trip and to take a trip is actually to conduct the trip, to go somewhere your second question: correct is what is the difference or if there are more than one differences you say what ARE the differences
21 giugno 2011
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