What does "SWAG" really means?
2 gen 2012 18:00
Risposte · 12
It just means you are kool, you act kool in any situation. Whether talking to girls/guys or just being the kool person in the group. So it's a personality thing, and also means that you look good. Girls got swag! Or you got swag!
2 gennaio 2012
I "googled" the definition. For the most part, it is a slang word, meaning to steal money or goods.
2 gennaio 2012
if you a boss, you got swag
2 gennaio 2012
Today SWAG is a slang word for being "cool" or even a type of confidence that other people see in you. What it actually meant (and not a lot of people know this) refered to an acronym that started off in Hollywood decades ago. It meant "Secretly We Are Gay". Bet no one knew that, huh?
22 marzo 2013
It just means. A cool person, it comes from the word, swagger, To walk with a sway. very casual and cool.
2 gennaio 2012
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