Why I can not say " The cost is expensive" When we talk about amout of money, I was taught that I could not say " The cost is expensive" Is it strange? Why can not I say " The cost is expensive"?
13 gen 2012 16:54
Risposte · 5
You just translated the phrase directly from Japanese. Don't do it. Just say XXX is/ are rexpensive. Memorize it, and you will be happy!
13 gennaio 2012
"Expensive" describes the object itself; not its cost. "Cost" is related to "how much?", so you would describe the cost of something as either high or low. Despite that, you'll still find some sloppy examples where someone has written "the cost is expensive"... please don't copy such mistakes. ;)
13 gennaio 2012
Hi again Aki :) The word "expensive" is typically used to refer to the object, service, or thing being purchased. The cost itself can be said to be "exorbitant" but not "expensive." I know it might sound kind of weird, but it's just one of those unspoken rules in English. To make matters even worse, although "cost" is not usually described by the word "expensive", the word "pricing" which is synonymous with "cost", can be described as being "expensive."
13 gennaio 2012
It's not the way we commonly express that thought. Some common ways are: The cost is too high. It's too expensive. That item is too expensive. It costs too much. It's not a matter of whether or not you can say it. Rather, it's just a matter of what people customarily say.
13 gennaio 2012
Cost is the property of the object that describes its price. Expensive is the adjective of the object that denotes it as a high-cost object.
13 gennaio 2012
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