”屌丝“ 是什么意思?怎么造句子吧?
31 mar 2012 12:50
Risposte · 16
Hey, I've read a blog about 屌丝 on another site the other day, I'm going to copy and paste the blog, hope it would help. Here we go: New Chinese Internet Word: Are you a 屌丝 Diǎo sī? 你是屌丝吗?(网友总结的屌丝特征) User summary " Diǎo sī " features ●身高:1米68是极限; ● Height: 1 meter 68 is the limit; ●收入:一线城市不超过2,000元(1人民币约0.159美元,下同),二线三线不超过1,500元; ● income: first-tier cities of more than 2,000 yuan (1 yuan is about $ 0.159, the same below), the second-tier line of not more than $ 1,500; ●手机:华为、NOKIA5230、5233、金立、天宇、山寨机; ● Phone: Huawei, NOKIA5230, 5233, Gionee, Sky, the cottage; ●长相:2分-4分; ● Appearance: 2-4 points our of 10 ●饮料:康师傅系列、脉动、鲜橙多、快活林; ●食品:康师傅系列、鸡蛋灌饼、豆浆、油条、包子、馒头、牛肉面、回锅肉炒饭; ● Food: Kangshifu Convenient Noodles (see below), eggs, pie filling, soy milk, fried dough sticks, steamed buns, bread, beef noodle soup, twice-cooked pork fried rice ●发型:平头,刘海很长或奇形怪状的发型,碎发; ● hairstyle: long flat head, bangs or bizarre hair, broken hair; ●不敢进入高档的美发屋和装修华丽的地方,进星巴克手都不知道放哪好; ● did not dare to enter the high-end salon or beautifully decorated places, at Starbucks they don't know where to put their hands. ●在生活中充当小丑类角色; ● act as the role of the clown class in life. Have fun!
31 marzo 2012
31 marzo 2012
31 marzo 2012
means low-down someone with no hope,no future,doing dirty work,for example"屌丝们的未来是没有什么希望的".
31 marzo 2012
屌丝就是这么一类人,他们身份卑微、生活平庸、未来渺茫、感情空虚,不被社会认同。他们也渴望获得社会的高度认可,但又不知道该怎么去做,生活没有目标,缺乏热情,不满于无聊的生活但又不知道该做点什么。   屌丝广泛的存在于我们的周围,长期的物质贫乏造成了精神的贫乏,他们是这个飞速发展的时代所催生的产物,但这绝对不是他们自己的错,也不是这个社会的错,因为一个时代要进步,就要付出代价,屌丝就是社会进步的牺牲品,他们是新时代的阿Q。 矮矬穷,卑贱二,惨苦颓,宅呆撸。全都囊括在屌字辈儿。用两句成语形容屌丝,那就是半活不死、低雅高俗。 屌丝的使用方法与其他的称谓名词(比如同学,朋友等)的使用方法一致。 造句:各位屌丝请注意,最近又有新的大片上映了。
31 marzo 2012
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