The Macedonian Grammatic is so simple? One of my macedonian friend, said to me that macedonian is so easy to learn because it's so easy, and he said that macedonian doesn't use the past. it's true?
10 apr 2012 09:21
Risposte · 8
I can say that Macedonian is easy to learn, YES, but its hard to pronounce some words ( for foreigners coming out of the slavic group of languages) , we have some really hard , strong words on the tongue, compared to English, Italian and Spanish for example. But hey, every language is a story for it self. As for your friend , telling you that we dont use the past , i can only LOL . Maybe he dont use the past , but other Macedonians use it , on a daily basis :) P.S Dont worry about pronounciaton for the beginning , its not crucial .
10 aprile 2012
When has grammar ever not been challenging? More than 30% of natives cannot differentiate between a verb and a noun. Sad but true.
18 gennaio 2014
Oh wait now, I read your question wrong. I got it as Macedonian language wasn't in use in the past and it was actually about past tense of Macedonian - yeah we use past tense, of course.
28 luglio 2012
I know I might be quite late with this but actually Macedonian is not that easy to learn because for every grammatical rule there are exceptions and some things are very hard to understand unless you speak a Slavic language as a native. The things I learned in high school the past few years make my opinion valid because Macedonian really has expansive grammar. As for Macedonian - it was used but only spoken dialects. About 100 years ago this man make a kind of book that had all rules from the dialects and so it developed. It's young so it's still developing besides after all, all languages develop and change with time because they are alive :) Hope this was helpful.
28 luglio 2012
:) thx
3 maggio 2012
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