English or Japanese hard??more
6 ago 2012 07:03
Risposte · 6
I think japanese is more difficult because english have many material on internet to learn, and japanese not, for chinese, the kanji (which is the nightmare of japense students) you will learn fast. but the sound I don't know, I think english easier because the world speak english and you learn faster ^^
6 agosto 2012
It depends on what your mother language is. If you look at this link http://www.biblical-data.org/OCS/IE_tree.jpg you see that a lot of languages have the same language history. They are all evolved from indo-european languages. If you look at Chinese of Japanese its different. Because they do not come from indo-european languages. (Japanese and Chinese also have no common language ancestor(The Japanese only stole the Chinese characters for there kanji system)). So for me as a Dutchman learning English is way more easy then learning Japanese! For you as a Chinese person it will both be hard languages to learn. But after you learned English, Portuguese will become more easy for you. So the answer to this question is different for every person. Its about your mother language, the language you want to learn. And how much they have in common. And that again depends on the history of the languages. Generally saying, they say that Chinese is the hardest language to learn, because it has the most characters to learn.(around 6000-12000 or even more) But lucky for you, you already know that language xD.
6 agosto 2012
English might be more difficult than Japanese for Korean people. Japanese might be more difficult than English for someone whose native tongue is an Indo-European language. The Japanese writing system might be easier for someone whose native language is Chinese. The Japanese pronunciation might not be easier than the English pronunciation for Chinese people. (sorry, confusing? hehe)
6 agosto 2012
Because the Japanese make the sentence a combination of kanji and hiragana and katakana,is very difficult.
6 agosto 2012
For Europeans Japanese is more difficult. I think we have a big problem with pronunciation. It is very hard to say some sounds for europeans tongue
6 agosto 2012
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