Gemma Gem
Difficult German sentence! I want to say in German; ‘I put the rubbish in(to) the (dust)bin’ but this seemingly easy sentence has proved to be rather difficult. Firstly, I know that ‘hin’ denotes movement away from speaker and ‘her’ the opposite. As I want to describe physically putting the rubbish inside the bin, then I think this needs to be used, ie ‘hinein’. ‘Ich habe den Müll in dem Mülleimer hineingelegt’ but I’m not sure if this sentence sounds right, it just doesn’t somehow (but I’m not sure why)?? I’ll outline my reasoning for this sentence so you can see how I arrived at it; ‘Müll’ = (masculine) object of sentence (receiving the action) therefore = ‘den’ ‘Mülleimer’ = (masculine) indirect object (as it is the receiver of the action) so have put that in dative (dem) ‘hinein’ – as the ‘in’ is the second verb, have put this at the end of the sentence. I’ve included another superfluous ‘in’ here (IN dem Mülleimer hineingelegt) as obviously it doesn’t sound right without it. I’ve also included the verb describing ‘PUT’ in the sentence, even though I’ve already used ‘in’ as I don’t think it made sense without and chose ‘legen’ on the following basis; ‘stellen’ – to put in a STANDING position (ie, a bottle) ‘legen’ – to put so that it is in a LYING position (ie, a book) Sorry this is so incredibly longwinded, but I know from previously that putting the thinking behind how I’ve arrived at an answer, helps when someone is trying to explain where the mistakes have been made. Hope that someone can help? Thanks so much, Gemma
23 set 2012 11:26
Risposte · 5
"Ich habe den Müll in den Mülleimer hineingelegt." That's actually fine. "Hineinlegen" means that you put something into something. Slowly and carefully. But in Germany we usually throw rubbish away. We prefer to say: "Ich habe den Müll in den Mülleimer geworfen." (Or sometimes: "Ich habe den Müll in den Mülleimer getan.") "Routes" (=> "into") are formed with "in den [...]", "in das [...]", "in die [...]. Ich gehe in den Supermarkt. Ich krieche in den Mülleimer. Der Zug fährt in den Tunnel. Something is entering something. If you say "in dem Mülleimer" or "im Mülleimer", something is already in there. It's the same in English. (in)to => in wen (oder was)? in => in wem (oder was)? Ich gehe in den Park. Ich laufe im Park. Ich werfe den Müll in den Mülleimer. Der Müll liegt im Mülleimer.
23 settembre 2012
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