多于-More than
高于-higher than
优于-superior to-better than
一旦-once-(a single day, I am not sure this one. once is correct.)
就。。来说-speaking of
就。。而言-in terms of
女强男弱-women are strong, men are weak?
阴盛阳衰-?(It's the same as the last one. Women are strong are weak. )
男强女弱-Men are strong, women are weak?
阳盛阴衰-?(it's the same as the lase one. Men are strong, women are weak)
These four words are talking about social society situation.
男女比例-male to female ratio
女多男少-More woman than men
高等教育-higher education
初等教育primary education
中等教育-secondary education
学生能力-student abilities
学生成绩-students results
or grades
考试成绩-exam results (or grades)
大学阶段-university stage? (During the university. like the time in unyiversit
中途辍学-drop out of school
毕业前景-graduate prospects
教育产业-education industry
社会精英-social elite
精英阶段-elite stage? (the time of elite.) I am not sure my explain makes sense. sorry.
政策研究-policy research
一项调查-a survey/investigation
调查表明- investigation/survey shows
调查报告-investigation report
报告指出-report points to
差强人意-just passable-satisfactory
(not good enough or don't get people expected)
不断提升-constantly increasing
不断下降-constantly declining
关键在与-key to
并非坏事-not a bad thing
基本持平-basically equal
引人注意-draws attention
产生影响- produce an affect ( affect, influence)
巨大影响- huge affect
影响巨大 the affects were huge? (跟巨大影响有什么区别?)
例子: 他对中国电影业的影响巨大。
相关产业-related industries
sorry I miss read one 精英阶段 should be 精英阶层-elite sector?
I think精英阶段是指 during the time of being elite.
and 精英阶层it looks elite sector
I also missed 学术能力-Learning ability
This is what I am thinking. Maybe some others will add more details for you. :)
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