Michelle Fan
怎麼用英文說 請問以下如何用英文說:(如果可以,可以請您用語音錄音給我聽如何回答嗎?謝謝~) 1."請問左手可以量血壓嗎?" 2."請問你有藥物過敏嗎?" 3."請問你哪裡不舒服?" 4."你的問題可能要問醫師!" 5."有哪裡不舒服可以向護理師說!" 6."我們現在要去照X光" 7."不好意思,可能要麻煩更衣~" 8."這裡有指示圖,不懂的話再跟我說~"


How to speak the following questions in English?


How to speak the following questions in English?
2 mar 2013 18:38
Risposte · 5
我不太清楚你的中文句子的意思,差不多懂得,但是我的中文很有限! 1) Do you mind if I take your blood pressure on your left arm? / Can I check your blood pressure on your left arm? (我不知道我明不明白你的問題) 2) Are you allergic to any kind of medication? 3) Where does it hurt? 4) I think you need to ask a doctor about that 5) If you feel pain somewhere you should tell the nurse 6) We need to take an X-ray of it 7) Sorry to make you have to change clothes? 8) These are some instructions (?), if you don't understand anything [just] let me know
8 marzo 2013
恩 謝謝妳^^
26 marzo 2013
我感觉第三个问题是不是应该问“What's wrong with you today? ”
25 marzo 2013
Non hai ancora trovato le tue risposte?
Scrivi le tue domande e lascia che i madrelingua ti aiutino!