how do you say 'you are' ? for example i wanna say you are cute, is it " ni shi ke ai" or "ni hao ke ai" or something else ? because i hear some people say "ni hao " when saying you are, but i thought ni hao means hello
25 mar 2013 02:43
Risposte · 3
"ni hao ke ai"is right. The "hao" in “ni hao” is totally different from the "hao" in "ni hao ke ai". The "hao" in "ni hao ke ai" is a adverb.It equals"very". “ni hao”means "Hello"
25 marzo 2013
You can say"ni shi "or"ni hao"
25 marzo 2013
Definitely not "ni shi ke ai," but you can say "ni hao ke ai" or "ni hen ke ai." Besides "good" (ni hao = hello = "you good"), hao is also an adverb that means "very." So "ni hao ke ai" means "you're very cute."
25 marzo 2013
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