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中文有没有合适的词为 'cynical'? I don't want a word that is related to hate or jealousy, I want a word related to disappointment or jadedness. I guess I should just say 'jaded' instead.
3 apr 2013 07:42
Risposte · 29
I like cynicism. It has been translated as "犬儒主义"。 犬 means dog, 儒 is the name of Confucianism. So you can use 犬儒的, 犬儒 or 犬儒主义 for cynical.
3 aprile 2013
Yes, it is called "憤世嫉俗" . (愤世嫉俗 in simplfied Chinese)
3 aprile 2013
cynical-----心灰意冷。 Following two sentences are for your refference. Yes, I've grown cynical, I'm totally disillusioned about everyone and everything. 是的, 我已经变得心灰意冷。.我对一切人、一切事都不抱幻想. It has also made me more cynical about relationships. 这也使得我更加对爱情心灰意冷。
3 aprile 2013
我同意以上同学的回答。另外,cynical或者也可以表达为“玩世不恭”,虚无主义。 你对世界失望很正常,说明你敏锐,有洞察力。 佛说:“世界毫无价值,四方动荡不安。” 所以我劝你读读佛经,因为佛法是“出世间法”,佛法是佛陀给对这个世界失望的人们指出的一条出离这个污浊的世界的道路。 推荐一本书给你:《佛陀的启示》,是斯里兰卡的罗候罗法师的著作
3 aprile 2013
To put emphasis on being jaded, 厭世 would be a good choice。(厌世in simplified Chinese)
3 aprile 2013
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