A cold sweat hot-headed believer ? Can you help to traslate this expression, please. context : All along it was a fever A cold sweat hot-headed believer I threw my hands in the air I said show me something He said, if you dare come a little closer
29 ott 2013 02:16
Risposte · 2
Those are song lyrics. Song lyrics often don't make sense, or only just make sense. In this case, as 雲小泉 says - they don't make sense. A cold sweat is when you are sick, and you sweat when you are not hot. A hothead is an overreactive, impulsive person.
29 ottobre 2013
You need to punctuate it properly first. This is all incorrect English. "A cold sweat hot-headed believer"...doesn't make sense.
29 ottobre 2013
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