Mei Li
how to say uncle and aunt in thai?
16 dic 2013 02:32
Risposte · 4
Uncle is ลุง(Loong) and aunt is ป้า(Pa) in Thai.
16 dicembre 2013
1) uncle = "ลุง - loong" (elder brother of father or mother) or "อา - aa" (younger brother or sister of father) /// 2) aunt = "ป้า - bpaa" (elder sister of father or mother) or "น้า - naa" (younger brother or sister of mother) /// Enter the above 4 thai words into the look up box of to listen to the audio.
15 luglio 2014
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Mei Li
Competenze linguistiche
Cinese (mandarino), Cinese (hakka), Inglese, Greco, Indonesiano, Portoghese, Tailandese
Lingua di apprendimento
Cinese (mandarino), Greco, Portoghese, Tailandese