phone,cellphone,telephone的区别? 其实phone.cellphone.telephone三者有区别吗?座机也是叫phone吗?
29 dic 2013 04:39
Risposte · 6
区别是: cell phone (Mobile phone) = 手机 telephone = 电话 (通常是指座机) phone 可以是手机也可以是座机 (要看情况)
29 dicembre 2013
They are different. A phone could be a cellphone or a landline telephone. A cell phone is just that. 手机 = cellphone A telephone typically means a phone connected with wires to the phone company. The type of phone you would find in a house or an office, Not sure of the Chinese characters for that.
29 dicembre 2013
Don't forget cellphones are called mobile phones in the UK. We call them mobile... because they are ... mobile! Americans call them cellphones because the signal for the phone is relayed from one transmitter area (a cell) to another... hence 'cell' phones.
29 dicembre 2013
What ?
29 dicembre 2013
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