My ice cream arrived and it was melted. Is this sentence correct? Thank you :)
14 mar 2014 14:38
Risposte · 13
"My ice cream arrived and it had melted."
14 marzo 2014
I'm thinking, "My ice cream arrived already melted", is the idea you're trying to convey.
14 marzo 2014
Yes, it's fine.
14 marzo 2014
I suggest using past perfect to make it clear that the ice cream began melting before it was in your hand. "My ice cream arrived but it but had melted." "Was melted" is understandable, but it can mean a) the status of the ice cream was "melted" (which is what you mean) or b) when the ice cream arrived, somebody pointed a flamethrower at it.
14 marzo 2014
Thank you Frank :)
14 marzo 2014
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