向……进口 Hello! I'm reading an article and I can't understand the meaning of this sentence: 中国向加拿大进口了大批小麦 Does it mean that China imported grain TO Canada? Or that China imported grain FROM Canada? Thanks!
3 ago 2014 08:37
Risposte · 9
I am confused, maybe it means "from". The sentence sounds a little weird, I would like to say “从。。。进口” , which means "import...from". or "向。。。出口", which means "export to"
3 agosto 2014
China imported wheat FROM Canada
3 agosto 2014
O so the original English was badly written! 字面看, "向。。。进口"就等于"把。。。出口到"。
3 agosto 2014
No. It means China exported TO Canada. From is 从。 "中国从加拿大进口大批小麦" means China imported from.
3 agosto 2014
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