Синий и голубой, what's the difference?
25 dic 2014 12:35
Risposte · 7
синий it is blue голубой it is the colour of your T-shirt on the Avatar :-)
25 dicembre 2014
The basic colour concepts they refer to are синий="blue" and голубой="light blue". The main colour is "синий". Most colours that are "голубой", may be considered a sub-shade of "синий". СИНИЙ is a deep, earthly, material colour, the colour of the sea. ГОЛУБОЙ is a light, airy colour. The colour of the sky (though, in poetic texts "в синем небе" is a set expression), the eye colour. ГОЛУБОЙ also includes some shades between blue and green that would not be considered "синий". The word also has the meaning "a gay".
25 dicembre 2014
синий = blue голубой = light blue. Голубой is more light color than blue. Try to search google.
25 dicembre 2014
For differences of words use image search in Google !
25 dicembre 2014
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