What is the meaning of "Draw pictures with labels" ? # Draw pictures with labels to show what you need. What is the meaning of "Draw pictures with labels" ? Is the meaning " picture on label" or " label on picture" ?
26 mar 2015 22:17
Risposte · 2
It means draw a picture and then add a label to the picture. For example, if you bought a loaf of bread and an apple at the store and you had to draw a picture with a label for each item you bought, you would draw an apple and write apple next to it to label it. You would then draw a loaf of bread and label it with loaf of bread.
26 marzo 2015
that's meaning is look like: 1. draw a picture: draw a picture regarding your subject. 2. labels: put your input on the picture. input like: how it works
26 marzo 2015
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