Figment of your imagination 用中文怎么说? 请问Figment of your imagination用中文怎么说? 意思是 "这件事或事物是假的,想象出来的,不是真的" 不知道中文是否有个固定的这种说法? 举例: A. What was that sound? B. I didn't hear anything. A. Really? Sounded like someone screaming. B. Don't be silly, it's just a figment of your imagination. 其实B在一般的情况下不会说的那么复杂, 一般只会说 "you're just imagining it" OR "it's just in your head" 麻烦大家翻译一下这三句话: it's just a figment of your imagination you're just imagining it it's just in your head 谢谢!
22 ago 2008 05:24
Risposte · 9
1,t's just a figment of your imagination",在你上述的场景下,我觉得是"这只是你的幻觉"" 2,关于"这件事或事物是假的,想象出来的,不是真的"的固定说法,我还真没想起来,你应该查一下字典,我们的回答没有字典专业 3,you're just imagining it ,比较口语化的是"你是在瞎想"(强调"正在",动作正在进行,区别"1") 4,it's just in your head ,和"3"意思差不多 总之,要是我,我会说"你别瞎想了","你一定是听错了",好像真的没有其他的表达方式了,呵呵^_^
22 agosto 2008
字面解释的话, it's just a figment of your imagination 这只是你幻觉 you're just imagining it 这只是你的想象 it's just in your head 这只是你的心里作用。 通常我们表述只是说,你的幻觉吧,或者心理作用吧。 有什么不对的欢迎指正。
22 agosto 2008
22 agosto 2008
上面大家解释的都差不多对的 日常口语说出来大概就是:现在就做梦?太早了吧,还没到晚上呢
22 agosto 2008
这三句话的意思我觉得一样的,只是说法不一样罢了 中文当中应该就是'这只是你的幻觉吧' 有时候只说'你听错了吧'或'你看错了吧'
22 agosto 2008
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