I' wondering Vs i was wondering Hi everyone, if you want check if someone have read an email you sent him a week ago. which one is correct(and if all of them is correct what is the difference between them)? 1) "I'm wondering if you had time to read my previous email." or 2) "I was wondering if you had time to read my previous email " or 3)"I wonder if you had time to read my previous email." Thanks in advance
2 mag 2015 09:30
Risposte · 4
These sentences are all correct. The main difference is in their tone, so they could be used to convey slightly different messages. (2) is the most tentative, therefore the most polite and gentle. (3) is the most direct. It could be used if the speaker wants to to be challenging, but is not in itself impolite. (2) is somewhere in between.
2 maggio 2015
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Scrivi le tue domande e lascia che i madrelingua ti aiutino!