자격지심: sense of inadequacy, guilt, etc (one's action or status is inadequate, wrong...).
열등감: feeling of inferiority. (열: inferior, 우: superior, 우월감: sense of superiority).
패해의식: feeling that one is being taken advantage of or unfairly treated; victim mentality.
그는 자격지심으로 얼굴도 들지 못했다. He couldn't keep his face up out of a sense of guilt.
열등감에 사로잡히다. be taken by an inferiority complex.
없는 사람들은 언제나 가진 자들에 대한 피해 의식에 사로잡혀 있는 것이다.
=> The poor are always held sway by a victim mentality against the rich.