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Please tell me the differences between race, competition , contest and match. Hello guys.I think you know what my question is. I really appreciate if you answer my question.actually tell me the differences between these race, competition , contest , match , tournament and game .
10 dic 2015 07:19
Risposte · 1
Race is against an opponent and time. Competition is who can do it better or get more points. Not usually professional. (Professional for Martial Arts) Contest is when you sign up for something to compete. Usually professional. Match is when you are on a team of 1 or 2 people versing each other. (eg. Tennis Match) Tournament is a series of Matches or Games over a span of time. The ones who win the most win the Championship. A Game is when 2 teams of a sport play against each other. (Soccer, Football, Baseball)
10 dicembre 2015
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