How to say 'Eat well/Have a good meal.' in Korean? (casual/informal) towards close friends
3 mar 2016 19:12
Risposte · 3
To say bon appetit in Korean, it would be 맛있게 모고 ("Mashike mogo") That was one of the first Korean phrases I learned, but I also found a YouTube video showing you how to pronounced it :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mSy4A0cYEQ
3 marzo 2016
'Eat well / Have a good meal.' => 맛있게 먹어 / 많이 먹어. - 맛있게: adverb of 맛있다(delicious). means "enjoying it", "with gusto/relish", etc. - 먹어: imperative of 먹다(eat), so it is just "eat!". - 많이: literally "in good quantity; a lot", but really means "heartily, as much as you like".
3 marzo 2016
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