"How dare you" or "How you dare" Which is the correct way to say it: "How dare you" or "How you dare"? Thank you
5 lug 2016 18:37
Risposte · 7
How dare you! (exclamation) How DO you dare? (question) Consider: You dare to do this! => How dare you do this! => How dare you!
5 luglio 2016
How dare you ,,,,! How very dare you
5 luglio 2016
How dare you?!
5 luglio 2016
"How dare you!" > No question mark >It's just an exclamation , not a question.( You are shock that someone could do a thing like that to you or someone) Or , "How dare you ( do this to me) !! "How you dare" is not usable phrase by itself . It has to be part of something to be meaningful . Example > How you dare to slap the teacher is beyond my belief . > How you dare to travel alone is something I respect.
5 luglio 2016
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