She is not my cup of tea? "虽然和某个异性很谈得来,但是如果要做情侣的话,没感觉" "Although he get along well with her,he think she isn't suitable as his lover." who can tell me how to describe this situation? She is not my cup of tea? the chemistry just not right ? We get along really well but I have no feelings for her at all? We went out a couple of times, but nothing happened. I think we just don't click that well.? which one is most Correct ?OR you can give me your answer.
11 nov 2008 00:46
Risposte · 6
Whatever you call is " not your cup of tea" is a slang expression meaning that this thing or that someone is not your style , your type , doesnt suit you , you don't like it/him/her , not your favourite choice, doesn't render you satisfied .
16 novembre 2008
"She is not meant for me."
11 novembre 2008
虽然和某个异性很谈得来,但是如果要做情侣的话,没感觉 Even though we(某个异性) get along really well, there is no way it could go further, there's something missing/there's no chemistry between us/he/she is not my cup of tea/we just don't click/there's no spark (between us) All of these are ok.
11 novembre 2008
How about "She is not my type"?
11 novembre 2008
"We are just friends."
11 novembre 2008
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