"intrigued" and "interested" Hello! Please tell me the difference between "intrigued" and "interested". In what situations would you use the two terms quite differently? E.g I'm intrigued by your story. I'm interested in your story. Thank you so much for reading, everyone. I will be grateful for any help you can provide. Mocchan
14 set 2016 20:27
Risposte · 4
They're very similar, just a slight shade of difference in meaning. Intrigued has a little more of a sense of "mystery" and of the unknown about it, than just plain interest. You can be "interested" in something that you already know a lot about. for instance, I'm "interested" in dogs, or in computers, or in music, etc. It can ALSO be used about things you don't know about yet but want to know more about, just like "intrigued". You generally are "intrigued" by something that you don't know about. A story, an old building, a set of "clues" regarding a mystery. Once you know and understand something you generally aren't "intrigued" by it anymore. A last note... we can say I'm interested IN something, but never that i'm interested BY something. It's exactly the opposed with intrigued... we can say we are intrigued BY something... but not intrigued IN something. but we can say with both: "blah blah thing/story/person/whatever [interests / intrigues] me" Hope that helps!
14 settembre 2016
”Intrigued involves a deeper curiosity and desire to know the deeper layers of the story.” No wonder, I understand. I am crystal clear. Thanks, CatMini. You helped me a great deal.
14 settembre 2016
Intrigued involves a deeper curiosity and desire to know the deeper layers of the story. The word interested can be used with similar result but usually one would use a modifier as "extremely"
14 settembre 2016
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