Carlos Grande
Accomplish + verb infinitive or gerund ?? Accomplish to do ... ???? Accomplish doing ... ???? Which is the best option ? Thank you so much in advance!
27 mag 2017 20:46
Risposte · 12
Michael Business Law
Insegnante professionista
You accomplish a task or duty. It is synonymous with fulfil. You don't accomplish to do or do something. Accomplish plus -ing is unusual. Perhaps you could use it if the task was a gerund. But I would try to avoid this kind of collocation. You may have translated from a Spanish word which can be used like e.g. manage to do. If you are thinking of a verb like conseguir, then its usage corresponds closely with "manage + to infinitive", not "accomplish".
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27 maggio 2017
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Michael Business Law
I understand. If you want to try using new verbs, then I recommend that you first read lots of example sentences in dictionaries and sentence databases like fraze.it Note how the verb is used in context and also the syntax of the sentence including related verbs, prepositions, and objects. Then you will have a better idea if you can use this verb in the same way as in Spanish, and if not, how you can actually use it. In my experience, efforts to sound more sophisticated often result in a mess and I am guilty of doing this in Italian.
27 maggio 2017 · Rispondi
Carlos Grande
I appreciate your advice! It helps a lot. I wish you luck with Italian ! Kind regards.
27 maggio 2017 · Rispondi
I would say " accomplish doing''. (''accomplish to do" is not correct)
27 maggio 2017
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No, "accomplish do" is not used at all. However, for example: " I could help you do your homework." is correct. Often "to do" and " to accomplish" are interchangeable, but "to accomplish" is more like "lograr'' or ''realizar''. I hope that makes sense. :-)
27 maggio 2017 · Rispondi
Carlos Grande
Perfecto. Muchísimas gracias :D Saludos.
27 maggio 2017 · Rispondi
Profe José
Insegnante professionista
Accomplish doing
27 maggio 2017
Carlos Grande
Thank you for replying!!
27 maggio 2017 · Rispondi
Carlos Grande
Thank you so much for replying. I appreciate your help!! Thanks!!
29 maggio 2017
La Liseuse
The simple answer - as Michael has explained - is that neither of these is correct! We don't follow 'accomplish' with a verb at all. 'Accomplish' is followed by a noun - you accomplish SOMETHING, such as a task. Possible expression with verbs are 'manage to do' or 'succeed in doing'.
28 maggio 2017
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