请说 “倘若” 和 “假如” 有区别吗?
27 giu 2017 14:17
Risposte · 6
“倘若” 和 “假如” 有区别吗? 有,在下面第一个句子中,【倘若】可以替换为【即使】,但不适合换成【假如】,会显得不自然。 下面第二个句子中不适合用【倘若】。 In the first sentence below, it's unnatural to use 假如. In the second sentence below, it's unnatural to use 倘若. [倘若]他成了功,他也不能为我民族造幸福。 [假如]从中选择,您会选择做谁?
27 giugno 2017
It means the same thing - if. But because I've done a lot of reading recently, I found that 倘若 is commonly used in legal documents of Hong Kong. We would say 假如 a lot, informally. In formal writing or documents, 假如 would be replaced by 若 or 如.
27 giugno 2017
27 giugno 2017
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