他是模特兒界的阿基師英文怎麼翻? 他是模特兒界的阿基師英文怎麼翻?或是可以告訴我"某個人就像是某個領域的誰"這種句型英文怎麼表達?
21 lug 2017 19:28
Risposte · 1
「他是模特兒界的(某名人)」--> He is like [or:similar to] (some famous person) in the model area. 「某人就像是(某領域)的(誰)」--> That person is like [or:similar to] (whoever) in (whatever field area). === I wish you a good day./祝 是日安好。
22 luglio 2017
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