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What is blunt speaking? I don't exactly know what is blunt speaking. Please, explain! Is it acceptable in your society? Do you personally like it?
9 apr 2018 13:43
Risposte · 12
''Blunt'' means saying what you think without trying to be polite or caring about other people’s feelings.
9 aprile 2018
The meaning of blunt is clear - being brutally honest. What I have found is that different cultures have a different perception of "blunt." In England they are not blunt but instead tend to use subtle sarcasm in its place. Americans are overly forthcoming with information but not necessarily blunt or rude. Some Chinese I've met are blunt without realizing they are being rude. I'm not sure about Russians but I think the generally perception is that they are very blunt. Any other opinions on other cultures?
9 aprile 2018
A "blunt" person does not avoid answering questions. He is forthright and outspoken. He is someone who will give his opinion no matter how unkind. People here in Canada will often say, "That was blunt!" if their companion speaks too honestly. I think close friends can speak to each other in a blunt way. However, a little"tact" and consideration can spare a lot of hurt feelings and maintain friendships. Hope this helps
9 aprile 2018
Blunt infers a hard surface like a hammer. So rather than discuss a subject as if you were using a fine scalpel you use instead a heavy steel hammer. So I might say gently to my wife, "when you point out my imperfections a little bit of my love dies for you" or " I HATE YOU" the second is being blunt. :-) and is, of course, not true. Do we use this much in the UK? No, we are a small island with many people so subtlety is the name of the game here, as you can imagine this irritates many Americans who just want to "say it like it is" and we look shocked.
9 aprile 2018
Which team?
10 aprile 2018
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