What is the difference between audience, spectators and crowd? "On that day, the first television programme was broadcast and shown in the home of Ernst Alexanderson in New York, USA. The world’s first television (7) ___ saw a large machine with a tiny screen which was not black or white but pink." I would choose "spectators" because it is translated into Russian the same way I use it in "телезритель".
13 apr 2018 14:32
Risposte · 4
Audience - all the people who are watching or listening to a play, concert, speech... Spectator - a person who is watching an event ,especially a SPORTS EVENT. Crowd - it's just a large number of people in one place.
13 aprile 2018
Audience: Anyone or a group of people watching something. Spectators: Anyone watching but with a more focused feel to it. For example, the word "spectacle" means: "a visually striking performance or display." So think of spectators as being more visually engaged with what they are viewing. Crowd: A crowd can be both above, but it must be A LOT of people. Audience and spectators can be small groups (or in some cases even one person, as in "an audience of one") but a crowd is when lots and lots of people gather in one place. In your case, spectators is a good choice because they are talking about the first television program ever, which must of been a pretty "wow!" moment for those folks viewing it. I hope this helps! Good luck!
13 aprile 2018
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