What is right " I'm not belong here" or " I don't belong here" ??
9 ago 2018 15:14
Risposte · 10
I dont belong here
9 agosto 2018
Please stop upvoting the answer above that says "I dont belong here". There is no such word as "dont". Sadly, there are many native speakers who don't punctuate properly. Do not ---> Don't "I don't belong here". It's a sad state of affairs when learners' English is more correct than native speakers'.
9 agosto 2018
I don't belong here
9 agosto 2018
9 agosto 2018
"I don't belong here" is correct
9 agosto 2018
Non hai ancora trovato le tue risposte?
Scrivi le tue domande e lascia che i madrelingua ti aiutino!