呀 Particle Can someone describe to me uses of the particle 呀?Does it make a question or statement more polite? When should you definitely not use 呀?Thanks!
8 ago 2019 21:34
Risposte · 2
use it to play dumb. I don't like to use it.
9 agosto 2019
啊(哇、哪、呀) 增加感情色彩,使语气舒缓,可以用于以下场景: Increase the emotional color, so that the tone is soothing, can be used in the following scenes: 感叹语气 例:多好哇!真好看哪! 疑问语气 例:谁呀?去不去呀? 祈使语气 例:来呀。请坐呀! 陈述语气 例:他不去呀。我管不了哇。
8 agosto 2019
Non hai ancora trovato le tue risposte?
Scrivi le tue domande e lascia che i madrelingua ti aiutino!