diminutive forms for family members Hi. Are there any forms for the word like 'uncle' and other family members?
4 mar 2020 08:37
Risposte · 2
There are lots of different diminutive forms for some family members, such as parents and grandparents, the commonest would be 'mummy/mommy/mum/mom for mother, daddy/dad for father, granny for grandmother and grandad for grandfather, but there are many regional variations. As Su Ki said, there is no generally accepted diminutive for uncle (although I have heard 'Unc' used in one town in the north of England). Aunt is often 'Aunty' but generally if a diminutive is wanted for uncle or aunt it is supplied by a shortened version of the first name. For example, my mother's sister, Patricia, is known by me as 'Aunty Pat' and my nephew and niece call me 'Uncle Bram'
4 marzo 2020
There are diminutive forms for parents ( e.g. 'Daddy') and for grandparents ( e.g. 'Granny'). You could call an aunt 'Aunty', but there is no diminutive form of 'uncle'.
4 marzo 2020
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