“sweet guy” 可以用来形容女生吗?can i say "you are a sweet guy" to a girl? Or can i say "she is a sweet guy."?
18 ago 2010 00:48
Risposte · 3
No you can't say it to a girl because it's a male term. You could use 'you are a sweet girl' or just 'you are sweet'. Hope this helps :)
18 agosto 2010
Only girls call each other "guys". So it is alright if you are a girl. If you are a boy, DO NOT say "guy" to a girl. Unless you are gay, of course.
18 agosto 2010
“guy"用来形容男子,不可以单用在女孩子身上哦,呵呵` 不过如果有一群男生和女生在一起的话,那么你可以问:Hey guys!意思就是大家好啊!这时候guy就既可以形容男生也可以形容女生了。
18 agosto 2010
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