Whats the difference between te gusta, le gusta, me gusta etc.? I understand gustan is plural form of the verb
28 ott 2010 14:06
Risposte · 4
Gracias, this was very helpful!!
28 ottobre 2010
Me gusta --> I like (singular or uncountable noun) Le gusta --> He/She/it likes (singular or uncountable noun). Also used with "you" when it's formal. e.g. A usted le gusta el chocolate -> You like chocolate. ("usted" is "you" in a formal conversation) Te gusta --> You like (singular or uncountable noun). This form is mostly used in informal conversation Gustan (with an "n") is used for plural and countable nouns. Examples: (singular) Me gusta la leche (I like milk) A él le gusta la leche (He likes milk) A ella le gusta bailar (She likes to dance/She likes dancing) A tí te gusta correr (You like to run/You like running) A usted le gusta correr (You like to run/You like running) formal (plural) Nos gustan los perros. (We like dogs) A él le gustan los perros (He likes dogs) A ella le gustan los gatos (She likes cats) A tí te gustan los perros (You like dogs)
28 ottobre 2010
GUSTA is for I -HE-SHE - IT /e.g. Me gusta el pollo- Me gustaN las frutas. A Juan le gusta el pastel . A él le gustaN las chicas A mi mamá le gusta su carro - A ella le gustaN los niños A mi perro le gusta la carne . A mi mascota le gustaN las canicas. A nosotros nos gusta este tv - A nosotros nos gustaN los deportes. So, we use GUSTA when we are talking about a single or uncountable noun and, GUSTAN when we are talking about more than one thing,person or animal, situation etc.
28 ottobre 2010
Me gusta --> I like Te gusta --> You like Le gusta --> He / She likes example: Me gusta esta casa. = I like this house. --- Me gustan estas casas. = I like these houses. (and that 's when "gustan" is used.)
28 ottobre 2010
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