what is meant by the usage pqp in portuguese?
3 nov 2010 15:00
Risposte · 8
Brasilian expression that can be used as an expletive, like "puta que pariu, to atrasado!" - fuck, I'm late! Can also mean something similar to "go fuck yourself" - "vá pra puta que pariu". Literally means "(to) the whore who had you (or it)". Another meaning is somewhere too far away: "fica lá na puta que pariu..." - "it's fucking far away..." Puta que pariu, eu detesto esse cara! - Hell, I hate that guy! A casa do cara é lá na puta que pariu! - the bud's house is fucking far away! Quer saber? Cansei, vá pra puta que pariu! - You know what? I'm tired, go fuck yourself!
3 novembre 2010
just to give it an END... PQP generally is much more, offensive, agressive.. high-weighted, than fucking.
8 novembre 2010
pqp is puta que pariu, 'n' means fuckin' hell :) but
13 novembre 2010
Could also be expressed in English as: 'holy shit' or 'fucking hell' .
3 novembre 2010
3 novembre 2010
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