What is the difference of 'sandal','slipper' and'a flip-flop'? What is the difference of 'sandal','slipper' and'a flip-flop'?I know they are all shoes.I am very confused about their description.
7 dic 2010 02:53
Risposte · 7
A sandal is a shoe with an open top. They don't have shoelaces, but are usually latched together with either a belt-like strap, or velcro. A flip flop is like a sandal, but usually much less sturdy, and more bendy, or "cheap". You can just slip them right onto your foot. A slipper is another slip-on shoe that is used for comfort, they are usually furry or squishy on the inside. You usually do not wear slippers outside, at the store, etc, mostly just for comfort inside your home. :)
7 dicembre 2010
7 dicembre 2010
Here's some extra confusion: they can all be the exact same piece of footwear. 'Flip-flops' is used in English-speaking countries, but not commonly. In Australia we call them 'thongs'. 'Sandals' is how my Brazilian friends refer to them when they speak English ("chinelo"?) 'Slippers' is what my Malaysian friends have called them (though these were specifically for indoors). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flip-flops
7 dicembre 2010
Please add me in msn.i can give some pictures to discriminate them.
7 dicembre 2010
I use them interchangeably although there may be minor differences :P
7 dicembre 2010
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